Timshel Creative

What’s your story?



Born out of a passion for helping other small business owners thrive, Timshel Creative is a video marketing agency that focuses more on relationship building and less on selling yourself as a commodity. I believe that small business owners and entrepreneurs are the most fearless, dedicated and creative people in the world, and I want to help them show that to their ideal client. Whether it’s through website content, traditional broadcast commercials, or social media posts, Timshel Creative exists to solve problems and make life easier for small business owners.


Content Creation

In today's digital world, awesome visuals are everything, especially for small businesses. Think of high-quality photos and videos as your secret weapon to stand out and grab attention.

We're all about bringing your brand's story to life with killer video content. Whether it's for your website or social media ads, our videos are designed to hook viewers from the first second. We get it – in the fast-paced online world, attention is gold. That's why we create videos that are not just visually stunning, but also tailored to boost engagement and conversions. Think eye-catching website intros, product demos that pop, and social media ads that people actually want to watch.

Let's face it, for a small business, every customer counts. That's where we come in. Our video and photo content is not just pretty – it's a powerful tool to connect with your audience. It's all about making your brand relatable and your products irresistible. We help you tell your story in a way that resonates, builds trust, and turns viewers into loyal customers. Our content is crafted to make your brand shine on every platform, be it your website or social media. After all, in the digital age, the right visual can be worth a thousand sales.


In a world where first impressions are everything, striking graphic design and solid branding can truly set your small business apart. It's not just about looking good – it's about creating a lasting impact.

Dive into a world where creativity meets strategy. Our graphic design and branding services are all about giving your business a voice that speaks volumes. From sleek logos that make your brand instantly recognizable, to complete branding packages that tell your unique story, we've got you covered. Need eye-catching marketing materials or snazzy digital graphics? We’re on it. Our designs don't just catch eyes; they capture hearts and minds.

For small businesses, branding isn't just a buzzword – it's the heart of your identity. It's what sets you apart in a crowded market and creates a lasting connection with your customers. Good branding goes beyond just a logo; it's about telling your story in a way that resonates. We help you craft a brand image that's not just seen, but remembered. Whether it's through a stunning logo, a consistent color scheme, or creative marketing materials, we make sure your business stands out and speaks directly to your target audience.

Email Campaigns

Email marketing is more than just sending messages – it's about making real connections. For small businesses, this is your ticket to staying on your customers' radar and driving real growth.

Our email campaign services are all about hitting the right note with your audience. We specialize in crafting personalized email strategies that truly speak to your customers. From engaging newsletters that keep your audience updated, to promotional emails that boost sales, we handle it all. Plus, with our keen eye on analytics, we make sure every campaign delivers measurable results. It's not just about sending emails; it's about creating a dialogue that enhances brand loyalty and drives business success.

In the digital age, a well-executed email campaign can be a small business's best friend. It's not just about reaching out; it's about building a community around your brand. Our campaigns are designed to engage your audience in a meaningful way, turning casual readers into loyal customers. They're perfect for announcing new products, sharing exclusive offers, or simply keeping your brand at the forefront of customers' minds. Plus, with our focus on analytics, you get to see just how effective your emails are in real-time, allowing for smarter business decisions.

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